Press releases

Investor of NCIZ prized at “Investor of the Year” ceremony

The Executive Director of National Company Industrial Zones EAD /NCIZ/ Ms. Antoaneta Bares, PhD, was an official guest at the annual awards ceremony for investments in the economy - Investor of the Year. In the category “Green Investment” the prize received the armoured vehicle manufacturer International Armored Group /IAG/. The prize was presented by the Executive Director of Bulgarian Investment Agency /BIA/ Bogdan Bogdanov...

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NCIZ takes part in the Architecture-building week 2023

For another consecutive year the “National Company Industrial Zones” EAD /NCIZ/ partner Inter Expo Centre participating with its stand A8 in Hall 4 at the Architecture-building week 2023, held 29 March – 1 April...

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MULTIVAC opens second production line in IP Sofia - Bozhurishte

With an official ceremony Multivac Bulgaria Production EOOD presented its expanded production area in the Industrial Park Sofia – Bozhurishte /the Park/. The investment amounts to BGN 12 mln., with the new building to support the fast growth of MULTIVAC Group...

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The largest plant for armoured vehicles to be built in Industrial and Logistics Park Burgas

On 15 March 2023 the armoured vehicle manufacturer International Armored Group /IAG/ put the beginning of its largest plant for armoured vehicles in the Industrial and Logistics Park Burgas – a joint project between the Municipality of Burgas and the National Company Industrial Zones EAD...

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NCIZ held an Information Demo Day under the INTERREG V-A Greece-Bulgaria Programme 2014-2020 in Kardzhali

The informational demo-day was held on 15.03.2023 in Kardzhali within the framework of the cross-border project "Promoting entrepreneurship by supporting innovative ideas through pre-incubation mechanisms" under the INTERREG V-A "Greece-Bulgaria" Programme 2014-2020 in which NCIZ participates...

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BMF Port Burgas chose IP Sofia – Bozhurishte for its new intermodal terminal

On February 23rd 2023 the private port operator BMF Port Burgas AD opened an intermodal terminal at Industrial Park Sofia – Bozhurishte in the presence of more than 130 guests – representatives of institutions, clients and partners...

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NCIZ participates in a seminar for support of entrepreneurs and SMEs under the INTERREG V-A Greece-Bulgaria Programme 2014-2020 in Kardzhali

Representatives of the “National Company Industrial Zones” EAD /NCIZ/ took part in a seminar on "Opportunities for support of entrepreneurs and SMEs", organized in the period 10 - 11 February 2023 within the framework of the cross-border project "Promoting entrepreneurship by supporting innovative ideas through pre-incubation mechanisms" under the INTERREG V-A "Greece-Bulgaria" Programme 2014-2020, which was held in the building of the Regional Administration in the town of Kardzhali...

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The executive director of "National Company Industrial Zones" Plc. Dr. Antoaneta Bares and the rector of the Academy of Economics "D. A. Tsenov" - Svishtov Prof. Dr. Mariyana Bozhinova signed another memorandum of cooperation...

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Representatives of the NCIZ took part in the German Economy Awards 2022 Ceremony

On 26 January 2023 NKIZ EAD took part in the official ceremony of the German Economy Awards 2022, organized by the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (GBCIC)...

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