NCIZ took part in a Bulgarian-Turkish Business Forum

The National Company of Industrial Zones EAD (NCIZ) took part in the Bulgarian-Turkish Business Forum. The event was held on May 10 at the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) with the partnership of the Commercial Department of the Turkish Embassy in Sofia.
The forum was opened by Tsvetan Simeonov, Chairman of the Board of BCCI, Ms. Sinem Tashtan, Commercial Counselor, Embassy of Turkey and Mr. Burhan Nemutlu, Chairman of the Bulgarian-Turkish Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BULTİŞAD).
Mr. Orhan Ayden, Chairman of the Board of Ostim Industrial Zone and Ostim Tech Park, made a detailed presentation of the Ostim Industrial Area, Ankara. Almost everything is produced in the area, such as the production of car testing machines, the production of heating devices and water storage tanks, the metalworking industry, the defense industry, the rubber industry, the furniture industry and others. The visit to Sofia aims to establish a future partnership with companies, industrial zones and technical universities.