NCIZ presented IP Sofia – Bozhurishte to a delegation from the Republic of Congo

On 14 September 2023 a meeting was held in the Industrial Park Sofia - Bozhurishte between officials from the Republic of Congo and representatives of the “National Company Industrial Zones” EAD.
Part of the 15-member delegation from the African country was the Honorary Consul of Bulgaria in Congo Brazzaville, the Economic Adviser on Planning, Industry and Statistics, the Legal and Administrative Adviser to the Minister of Social Affairs, the Chief Executive Officer of the Congolese Agency for Planning, Promotion and Development of Special Economic Zones, the Legal and Administrative Adviser to the Minister of Social Affairs, the Director General of Forestry and others.
The guests were introduced to the activities of the NCIZ and the industrial park itself, and then taken on a tour of the site. On the part of the delegation of the Republic of Congo, interest was expressed in developing bilateral relations between the industrial parks of the two countries, highlighting the desire to develop the country's economic zones, which currently number four, with wood processing as one of the main economic activities in the African country.