The Executive Director of NCIZ gathers European ambassadors and diplomats in IP Sofia-Bozhurishte and presents business opportunities

On 19 September 2022 National Company Industrial Zones EAD (NCIZ) hosted an official meeting with ambassadors and diplomats from European embassies in the Sofia-Bozhurishte Industrial Park. It was attended by the diplomatic missions of Denmark, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Greece, Turkey, Serbia, Romania, Moldova, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina and others.
The official guest of the event was the Minister of Economy and Industry Mr. Nikola Stoyanov.
The meeting took place at the Administrative building of NCIZ in the Industrial park, preceded by a tour of the Park and visits to the production facilities of two of the major investors - "JYSK Bul" EOOD and "MULTIVAC Bulgaria" EOOD.
The Executive Director of NCIZ EAD Ms. Antoaneta Bares noted that the Industrial parks in Bulgaria have been developing and continue to grow, the country providing favorable opportunities for relocation of production. The aim of NCIZ has always been to facilitate and assist foreign investors at every stage of their projects, and the current initiative aims to present to the European partners.the possibilities that state industrial parks can offer together with plans for their development.
The Sofia-Bozhurishte IP is the flagship project of NCIZ, the main activities of which include the design, development and management of Industrial parks and free trade zones in Bulgaria. The location of the Park is one of the most attractive in the country, given its strategic location and the availability of high-qualified work force and infrastructure.
Since the establishment of IP Sofia-Bozhurishte, more than 40 investment projects of Bulgarian and foreign companies have been implemented, the amount of investments exceeding BGN 610 million. The Park produces materials for the automotive industry, parts and modules for packaging machines for the food, pharmaceutical and medical industries, telecommunications equipment, audio systems, equipment for the military industry, biocosmetics, biofoods, etc.