The Executive Director of NCIZ Dr. Antoaneta Bares visited leading innovative industrial parks in Korea

On 28 and 29 September 2022 a Bulgarian delegation from the National Company Industrial Zones EAD (NCIZ) and the Ministry of Economy and Industry, led by the Executive Director of NCIZ EAD Dr. Antoaneta Bares and the Deputy Minister of Economy and Industry Ms. Irina Shtonova, paid a work visit in Seoul, Republic of Korea.
The visit was conducted at the special invitation of the Korea Development Institute (KDI) and was the final phase of the year project "Strategic Transformation in Innovative and Digital Industrial Parks in Bulgaria", which NCIZ EAD, together with the Ministry of Economy and Industry, implemented under the Knowledge and Experience Sharing Program 2021/22 - Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP).
The purpose of the visit was to acquaint the Bulgarian delegation with the Korean experience and achievements in the construction and development of smart industrial parks, as well as to share the final research results and recommendations of the Korean researchers on the three main themes of the project:
- Developing an innovative and digital industrial park model;
- Development of a cooperative mechanism to strengthen the innovative and digital capabilities of all participants in industrial parks;
- Creation of a newly developed incubator ecosystem using innovative and digital technologies in industrial parks.
The programme included visits to Korea's leading industrial parks:
- Korea Industrial Complex Corporation;
- Smart Manufacturing Innovation Center;
- Global Knowledge Exchange and Development Center
as well as a special presentation on Korea's experience in the development of smart industrial parks and a final high-level project meeting to discuss the project results and upcoming EU and KSP projects.
In her closing speech at the summit, the Executive Director of NCIZ Dr. Antoaneta Bares emphasized on the importance of using innovative and digital technologies to enhance the potential of industrial zones and parks in Bulgaria and the importance of sharing Korean experience and best practices in this area.
Dr. Bares shared her excellent impressions of the visit and her expectations towards applying the programme outcomes on the construction, development and management of industrial parks in the work of NCIZ EAD in the next years.