“Sofia – Bozhurishte” Industrial Park opened doors for pre-graduates from Novi Iskar

The "National Company Industrial Zones EAD (NCIZ), together with the Ministry of Economy and Industry, organised a visit to the “Sofia – Bozhurishte” Industrial Park for 12th grade students of 170 "Vassil Levski" Secondary School from the town of Novi Iskar. The visit finalised the initiative of Mr. Nikola Stoyanov, Minister of Economy and Industry, who had invited the students to the Ministry and presented to them the work of the institution.
The pre-graduates had a sightseeing tour of the Park and visited the production facilities of two of the major investors there - "JYSK BUL" EOOD and "MULTIVAC Bulgaria" EOO, being presented to their activity and to the opportunities to start careers in enterprises, maintaining high standards in business, as such followed by the Bulgarian and foreign investors in the industrial parks and zones of NCIZ EAD.
"National Company Industrial Zones: EAD actively participates in initiatives supporting young people for their fast professional development, implementing a two-way relationship between educational institutions and business, to ensure permanent employment and internships, as well as to overcome one of the most serious challenges facing investment projects in the country - the shortage of qualitative professionals.
So far, the National Company Industrial Zones has signed Memoranda for cooperation with a number of educational institutions, among which are the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, the UNWE, New Bulgarian University, the Sofia Technical School, University of Forestry, the Higher School of Transport, Ruse University "Angel Kanchev", Shumen University "Bishop Konstantin Preslavski" and others.
For more information about the Fast Tracking Success Project, please contact us at office@nciz.bg.