TRANSPRESS opens largest logistics centre in IP Sofia - Bozhurishte

„TRANSPRESS“ Ltd, one of the leading transport and logistics companies and a leader in the transportation of pallet shipments in Bulgaria, officially opened on December 2nd 2022 its newest logistics centre on 40 acres of land in Industrial Park Sofia-Bozhurishte (the Park). The investment amounts to BGN 16 mln. and as a result will be opened more than 100 job places.
The Minister of Economy and Industry Mr. Nikola Stoyanov pointed out at the opening ceremony that dozens of companies have already chosen Sofia - Bozhurishte Industrial Park for the development of their business, while only for the current year 11 new projects, worth BGN 100 million, have been launched. For the last decade the invested funds by Bulgarian and foreign companies in the Park amount to more than BGN 611 million while 2/3 of its territory is already occupied.
The Chairperson of the Board of Directors of NCIZ EAD Ms. Andreana Premyanova expressed satisfaction with the realized investment on the territory of the Park, pointing out that the industrial parks and zones, managed by NCIZ EAD, have the potential to become a real attraction centre for value-added investments and a prerequisite for dynamic smart growth.