On 6 July 2022 the National Company Industrial Zones EAD (NCIZ EAD) signed a contract with LIDL Bulgaria EOOD & CO for the sale and purchase of a 195,219 sq. m. plot of land, intended for construction of a storage facility for finished and packaged goods together with administrative and technical premises and offices at the Sofia-Bozhurishte Industrial Park.
The location, chosen by the German retail chain for the construction of a storage and administrative centre, is one of the most attractive in the country, given its strategic location, availability of qualified workforce and infrastructure. The finalisation of the project will result in opening of more than 80 new job places after commissioning and investment of more than BGN 50 million.
This is yet another investment project of a serious scale within the Sofia-Bozhurishte Industrial Park, which includes entirely new technological solutions, some of which are adapted to the latest trends and experience in modern trade.
NCIZ EAD reports significant increase in the investment projects at the state industrial parks and zones for the first half of 2022.
Already three contracts for implementation of investment projects worth BGN 61.65 million were signed for the Sofia-Bozhurishte Industrial Park in the last 7 months, involving foreign and Bulgarian firms. For the same period nearly 40 commercial enterprises have shown interest in plots, owned by NCIZ EAD and 15 applications for investment intentions were submitted, the companies being from the industrial sectors of organic food production, cosmetics manufacturing, logistics, etc.