NCIZ held an Information Demo Day under the INTERREG V-A Greece-Bulgaria Programme 2014-2020 in Kardzhali

The informational demo-day was held on 15.03.2023 in Kardzhali within the framework of the cross-border project "Promoting entrepreneurship by supporting innovative ideas through pre-incubation mechanisms" under the INTERREG V-A "Greece-Bulgaria" Programme 2014-2020 in which NCIZ participates.
In front of an audience of entrepreneurs from the border region, who are the target group of the cross-border cooperation under the INTERREG V-A Greece – Bulgaria programme, NCIZ EAD presented the company’s activities, as well as the opportunities for young entrepreneurs with innovative ideas that the project will offer by the end of September this year.
A number of entrepreneurship trainings are to be held, with the main objective of using existing international methodologies to generate and test new business ideas to see if they have the potential to be implemented. Upcoming project activities also include conducting communication campaigns, organizing and participating in master classes, etc.