MULTIVAC opens second production line in IP Sofia - Bozhurishte

With an official ceremony Multivac Bulgaria Production EOOD presented its expanded production area in the Industrial Park Sofia – Bozhurishte /the Park/. The investment amounts to BGN 12 mln., with the new building to support the fast growth of MULTIVAC Group and demonstrate the successful development of the company in the Park. The total built new production area reaches 5650 sq. m. So far Multivac Bulgaria Production EOOD has been realized investments worth BGN 25 mln., opening 200 new jobs in the Park.
At the opening ceremony were present Dr. Christian Lau – Chief Operating Officer of MULTIVAC Group, Mrs. Myriam Mustafa – Managing Director of Multivac Bulgaria Production EOOD, Mrs. Antoaneta Bares, PhD – Executive Director of National Company Industrial Zones EAD, as well as the Minister of Economy and Industry Mr. Nicola Stoyanov and the Mayor of Bozhurishte Municipality Mr. Georgi Dimov.
Mrs. Bares greeted the staff of Multivac Bulgaria for the excellent work, saying: “MULTIVAC is not only one of the companies of IP Sofia – Bozhurishte, it is “the pearl in the crown” among investors and our trusted partner we are proud of”.
The management of MULTIVAC thanked NCIZ for the assistance: “Our enterprise in Bozhurishte which has been functioning since 2018, supplying different companies, part of MULTIVAC Group, has become a strategic part of our international production network in the recent years”, shared Dr. Christian Lau.
“This enlargement is proof of our company’s impressive development in IP Sofia – Bozhurishte”, said Mrs. Mustafa. She also shared that around 100 new jobs are going to be created as a result of the enlargement.
The company MULTIVAC is one of the leading suppliers of packaging solutions for all types of food, biological, medicinal and industrial products. Besides its plant in Bulgaria, MULTIVAC has got another 12 production bases in Germany, Austria, Spain, Brazil, China, Japan and the USA.